Clan of Cheetahs

版本:1.1.1 大小:40.6M 关注:1199 更新:2022-01-06


★★♕ Build your own Clan of Cheetahs ♕★★A young Cheetah awakens in the Safari - cold, tired, and very hungry. She's your responsibility now. You must take care of her, feed him, help her rebuild her lost family. This young cat is last remaining member of the legendary Zuma Family. It is up to you to help her rebuild her tribe by finding new members. Since the great defeat of the Zuma Clan, other competing families have taken over the Safari landscape. The goal of the game is to regain control and rule the territory again. Victory will be yours! ✌Help this fast cat navigate the wild safari landscape, explore crocodile infested rivers, fight against cheetahs, hyenas, Elephants, Lions, Leopards, snakes and other dangerous animals. This high action animal simulator will keep you on the edge of your seat. Yet, this is no ordinary animal simulator . . . In Clan of Cheetahs, you enter into a world of both epic adventure and magic. Your cheetah will unlock special magical spells as you locate various magical spell books. These special abilities include: lighting bolt, invincibility, fireball, and healing . It is these magic elements that make this game very unique and, we believe, best in class for animal simulator games. The game is part role playing game, part animal simulation, and part adventure game. It will take you on an ultimate epic journey as you build your new home, build your great warrior clan, use your magic skills, survive against enemies that attack, clash with 4 enemy clans ⚔, and ultimately defeat all 6 Super Bosses. Note : For optimal performance, try restarting your device before playing. The 3D graphics are very processor intensive. This game will work better on powerful devices. Top Features:✽ Part Animal Survival and part RPG✽ Dynamic weather including thunderstorms storms ☔✽ Realistic Safari 3D Landscape✽ Leopard , Lion, Crocodile, Hyena, Rhino, Elephant, and Snake enemies✽ 4 Enemy Families to defeat✽ 6 Super Giant Ultra Bosses✽ 4 Magic Spells to unlock - Fireball, Invincibility, Lightning Bolt, and Healing✽ Dynamic Time of Day - Sunrise to SunsetHelpful Gameplay Tips: 1. Use the Mini Map in the top right corner of the screen to help you find things on the map. It shows the locations of clan members, bosses, magic books, and other enemies. Use the mini map to find the members - "M", Bosses "B" and Books "b". 2. You may also seek advice from your spirit guide - a ghostlike figure found near your home. 3. As you defeat the bosses, more bosses will appear. All the enemies are not shown on the map in the beginning of the game. The more you play, the more enemies will appear.4. Find all the magic books to unlock the magical skills including: Healing Potion, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Invincibility. 5. Earn adventure points by hunting and completing tasks. Use the points to upgrade your strength, stamina, and magic. 6. Use the Call button to call the family members when you need help against the enemies as you race across the huge Wild Safari open 3D world. Bosses include Snakes, Lion, Crocodile, Hyena, Cheetah, and Hippo. This is ultimate animal simulation like you have never seen it. If you enjoy this game, please be sure and check out our other 3D animal simulators. We understand that the game is not perfect and we welcome your constructive criticism, just email your suggestions. or post them to our Facebook page. Help us get better! Evolved is a series of games from Wild Foot. So far, the response has been great for this new series of games. Let us know what you would like to see next!It would be really great to hear from you. Please stop by our Facebook page: for updates. Believe in yourself, and believe in your Clan of Cheetahs! ✌ ★★♕构建自己的猎豹♕的氏族★★一位年轻的猎豹唤醒的野生动物园 - 冷,累了,饿极了。她是你的责任了。你必须好好照顾她,喂他,帮她重建她失去的家庭。这位年轻的猫就是传说中的祖马家族仅存的成员。它是由你来帮助她通过寻找新成员重建她的部落。由于祖马家族的大溃败,其他竞争的家庭已经接管了Safari浏览器的景观。本场比赛的目标是重新获得控制权,并再次统治的领土。胜利将属于你! ✌帮助这个快猫浏览野生动物园景观,探索鳄鱼出没的河流,对抗猎豹,鬣狗,大象,狮子,豹子,蛇和其他危险动物。如此高的动作动物模拟器将让你在你的座位边。然而,这绝不是普通的动物模拟器。 。 。在猎豹家族,你进入到这两个史诗般的冒险和魔法的世界。为您找到各种神奇的咒语书你的猎豹会解锁特殊法术。这些特殊功能包括:闪电,无敌,火球和愈合。正是这些神奇的元素,使这个游戏非常独特,我们认为,最佳的动物模拟器游戏。本场比赛是一部分的角色扮演游戏,部分仿真动物,及部分冒险游戏。它会带你上一个最终的史诗般的旅程,你建立你的新家,建立你的伟大的战士族,用你的魔法技能,生存与敌人的攻击,冲突与4敌人氏族⚔,并最终击败所有6超级老板。注:为了获得最佳性能,请尝试播放之前重新启动设备。三维图形是非常处理器密集型。这场比赛将更好地工作在功能强大的设备。热门功能:✽部分动物的生存和部分RPG✽动态天气,包括雷暴风暴☔✽逼真的Safari浏览器的3D景观✽豹,狮子,鳄鱼,鬣狗,犀牛,大象和蛇的敌人✽4敌人家庭击败✽6超级巨超的老板✽4魔法咒语解开 - 火球,无敌,闪电箭,和治疗✽日动态时间 - 日出至日落有用的游戏提示:1.使用迷你地图在屏幕的右上角,以帮助您在地图上找到的东西。这表明氏族成员,老板,魔法书,和其他敌人的位置。使用迷你地图找成员 - “M”,老板“B”和图书“B”。2.您也可以征询你的精神指南 - 你家附近发现了一个幽灵般的身影。3.当你打败了老板,老板更会出现。所有的敌人未在游戏开始时在地图上显示。你玩的越多,更多的敌人就会出现。4.找到所有的魔法书,以解开魔法技能,包括:治疗药水,火球术,闪电箭和无敌。5.狩猎和完成任务获得冒险点。使用积分来升级你的力量,耐力和魔力。6.使用呼叫按钮,呼叫家人,当你需要对敌人的帮助,你在整个巨大的野生动物园开放的3D世界比赛。老板有蛇,狮子,鳄鱼,鬣狗,猎豹,河马和。这是最终的动物模拟像你从来没有见过它。如果你喜欢本游戏,请务必检查我们的其他的3D动物仿真。据我们了解,本场比赛是不完美的,我们欢迎您的建设性的批评,只是通过电子邮件发送您的建议。或发布到我们的Facebook页面。帮助我们变得更好!演进是一系列野生脚的游戏。到目前为止,响应这一新系列的游戏已经很大。让我们知道你想什么,看下!这将是真正伟大的,从你的来信。请停止我们的Facebook页面:更新。相信自己,相信自己的猎豹家族! ✌
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1.1 更新时间:2020-06-11 大小:40.6M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Wild Foot Games
英文 4.4及更高


不推荐玩的游戏 刚开始还觉得一般…玩了一会烂的不行…超级多的广告…正玩着呢就出广告…非常频繁…
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