Flight Simulator C130 Training

版本:7.1.5 大小:48M 关注:1462 更新:2019-11-08


Flight Simulator C130 Training puts you in the cockpit of the legendary military transport and war plane C130. You’ll learn to control one of the most important war planes of all time and then head out on intense and risky missions with only your piloting skills to get you through! This flight simulator games features are highly detailed and accurate flying. You’ll feel like you’re really flying one of these huge and impressive war aircrafts!20 high stake missions over beautiful but dangerous enemy territory await you, will you be able to survive the war zones? C130 Aircraft Flying Simulator Features • Detailed and realistic flight systems and cockpit HUD includes: altitude, airspeed, thrust controls, air brakes, g-force, yaw rudder and landing gear.• Flight physics modelled on the real C130 aircraft, it’ll take all of your skill to master this demanding war beast.• Accurately designed C130 plane model, with full combat zone camouflage paint job!• Stunning 3D terrain to fly over, including mountains, deserts, cities, rivers and oceans. Just watch out for enemy anti-aircraft positions!• Realistic weather effects in this flight simulator game including fog, rain, and even lightning!You’ll have to fly carefully or risk disaster! C130 Airplane Flight Simulator School Learn how to fly and handle the C130 Army transport and war plane, Lessons include:• Taxiing around the airfield.• Taking off.• Raising and dropping landing gear.• Manoeuvring safely and quickly using the flight stick and yaw rudder control.• How to quickly slow down flying and on landing using the air brake.• Landing safely in all kinds of dangerous conditions! 20 Daring Missions! Can you achieve the gold flying badge in each mission and help your side to victory?• G-Force training - Push yourself and your plane to its limits by performing high-speed tight turns!• Low flying - learn how to stay under enemy radar by flying low over rolling terrain. Watch out for those hills!• Cliff diving - In an emergency you have to take off from wherever you can. This time it’s right off a steep cliff! Remember to pull up!• Missile evasion - Learn to dodge enemy anti-aircraft rockets, this will be very useful for later missions!• Mountain landing - Take off and land on a snowy mountain peak, you’ll need to be gentle with the controls and watch out for that weather!• Narrow cliffs - That gap looks too narrow! Your only way through will be to fly through sideways, good luck!• Covert ops - Find your way however you can, remain undetected!• Quick landing - Land safely on a very short runway, you’ll have to get your angle correct of it’s eject time!• Impossible route - You’re going to have to take off and land in almost impossible places, that’s your job war pilot!• Lightning storm - Fly through a lightning storm and get through the other side with your cargo intact.• Gliding landing - Your engines are out, you need to make a safe landing without them!• Urban flight - Navigate your way through the city, this will be a real test of your piloting skills and patience.• Hurricane Bertha - It’s you and your C130 war plane against nature’s ultimate test! Survive Hurricane Bertha and live to fly a plane another day!• Above ground - A nail-biting test of nerves, you’ll have to hug the ground to get through this one! Bonus Free Flight Mode! If you don’t feel like flying a mission just yet & you need to practise your piloting skills, then jump into the bonus free flight mode! Take off from random airstrips, survey the beautiful scenery or max out your engines and try a speed run, you can do whatever you choose! 飞行模拟器训练C130让你传说中的军用运输机和战机C130的驾驶舱。你会学会控制的所有时代最重要的战机之一,然后把头伸出的紧张和危险的任务,只有您的驾驶技能,让你通过!这个飞行模拟器游戏功能是非常详细和准确的飞行。你会觉得你真的飞这些巨大的和令人印象深刻的战争飞机之一!在美丽而危险的敌人领地20高股份的任务等待着你,你才能生存战区? C130飞机飞行模拟器功能•详细和逼真的飞行系统和驾驶舱HUD包括:高度,空速,推力控制,空气制动,G力,偏航的方向舵和起落架。•飞行物理学仿照真正的C130飞机,它会采取所有你的技能的掌握这种苛刻的战兽。•准确设计C130飞机模型,以饱满的作战区域迷彩的工作!•令人惊叹的3D地形飞了过来,包括山区,沙漠,城市,河流和海洋。只要留意敌人的高射炮阵地!•逼真的天气效果在这个飞行模拟器游戏,包括雾,雨,甚至闪电!你必须小心或风险灾害飞! C130飞机飞行模拟器学校学习如何飞行和处理C130军队运输和战机,课程包括:•各地机场滑行。• 起飞。•提高和下降起落架。•机动安全快速地使用飞行摇杆和偏航方向舵控制。•如何快速减缓使用空气制动飞行和着陆。•在各种危险的条件下安全着陆! 20敢于任务! 的可以实现在每个任务的飞行黄金徽章,帮助你身边的胜利?•G力培训 - 将你自己和你的飞机到了极限通过执行高速急转弯!•低飞行 - 学习如何通过在地形起伏低飞往留在敌方雷达。提防那些小山!•悬崖跳水 - 在紧急情况下,你必须从起飞的地方就可以了。这一次,它是正确的了一个陡峭的悬崖!记得拉起来!•导弹逃避 - 学习闪避敌方防空火箭,这将是以后的任务非常有用!•山登陆 - 起飞和雪山顶峰的土地,你需要温柔的控制和提防的天气!•窄的悬崖 - 这个差距看起来太狭隘!你唯一的方式,通过将通过横盘整理,运气好能飞!•隐蔽OPS - 找到自己的方式,但是你可以,不被发现!•快速登陆 - 土地安全地在很短的跑道上,你必须让你的角度正确的是退出的时间!•不可能的路线 - 你不得不起飞,在几乎不可能的地方的土地,这是你的工作战飞行员!•闪电风暴 - 通过飞雷雨天气,并通过对方与你的货物完好得到。•滑翔着陆 - 你的发动机都出来了,你需要做一个安全着陆,没有他们!•城市飞行 - 通过城市导航的方式,这将是你的驾驶技术和耐心的真正考验。•飓风伯莎 - 这是你和对大自然的终极测试你的C130战机!生存飓风伯莎和活一天驾驶飞机!•地上 - 神经扣人心弦的测试,你必须拥抱地面通过本搞定!奖金自由飞行模式! 的如果你不喜欢飞行任务,只是还没有和你需要练习你的驾驶技术,然后跳进奖金自由飞行模式!从随机跑道起飞,勘察美丽的风景或最大出你的引擎,并尝试运行速度,你可以做你选择的任何!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:7.1.5 更新时间:2019-08-07 大小:48M
运营状态:运营 开发商:FOG.COM
英文 4.1及更高


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