King Battle-Fighting Hero legend

版本:1.0 大小:69.8M 关注:4632 更新:2019-07-18


Build your own epic hero in "King battle: Fighting Hero legend" and join the most exciting adventures in history! The evil army launched a war . The dragon was also demonizing . They were extremely cruel . Blood made them feel crazy . At this time , the respected hero , you need to take up arms , fight for justice and peace for the world . Defeat all the monsters , called the epic hero , explore the collapse of the monster world , enjoy good quality comparable to the host of the game , but to experience new combat system to get started , you will not be idle , a thrilling battle will make you too busy to attend to all ! Hero is back , abandon the cozy life, in order to prevent the monster from the kingdom of hegemony and start the ARPG battle ! Game function Many tasks: Save the survivors The specified number of monsters, and beat the evil dragon warrior Destroy the enemy defense tower Defend our crystal An exciting BOSS battle Game features: The role of a variety of attributes: Kung Fu young, Monkey King, soldier of the future as you choose Arpg's powerful battle map High quality audio-visual fighting feast Unprecedented highest degree of freedom Arpg Epic fighting has been opened, a new journey of diversification, the most powerful armament and legendary heroes and heroics You come to collect them! Come and join the battle! 构建自己的英雄史诗中的“王的战斗:战斗英雄传说”,并在历史上加入最令人兴奋的冒险! 邪恶的军队发动了一场战争。龙也被妖魔化。他们是极其残酷的。血令他们感到疯狂。这时,受人尊敬的英雄,你需要拿起武器,为了正义与和平的世界而战。击败所有的怪物,所谓的英雄史诗,探索怪物世界的崩溃,享有良好的品质相媲美的游戏主机,而是为了体验新的战斗系统上手,你也不会闲着,一场惊心动魄的战斗将让你应接不暇给大家!英雄又回来了,放弃舒适的生活,为了防止霸权国的怪物,并启动ARPG的战斗! 游戏功能 许多任务: 拯救幸存者 指定数量的怪物,并击败邪恶的龙战士 摧毁敌方防御塔 保卫我们的水晶 一个令人兴奋的BOSS战 游戏特点: 各种属性的作用:功夫年轻,孙悟空,任您选择未来战士 ARPG强大的战斗地图 高品质的视听盛宴战斗 自由ARPG的空前程度最高 史诗战斗已经打开,多样化,最强大的武器装备和传说中的英雄和英雄事迹的新征程 你来收集他们!快来加入战斗!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.0 更新时间:2019-07-17 大小:69.8M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Fighting Action Games
英文 4.0.3及更高


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