High School Gangster

版本:1.26 大小:96.2M 关注:5375 更新:2019-08-24 人生模拟 单人 无需网络


This game revolves around troubled story of high school dropout gangster boy Gary whose sole purpose is to have fun with other naughty students and his class fellows, Gary proves himself to be incredibly evil, manipulative to other students and teachers, and highly intelligent, being a bad boy he constantly reminds other kids of his arrogance and vanity. This game is not about shooting or fighting but its a fun game full of adventure where you will be an interesting gangster in your high school and you will break all the rules of the discipline! Your mission is to behave like a bad boy in high school gangster game, survive and escape through hard time missions. Fight and strike slender students and high school security guards in cafeteria and college hallway. Sneak into the principal office stealing important confidential notes and survive your time lock in detention, sneaking from creepy teachers and authorities. High school Gangster is a third person bad boy game where a troubled psychopath teenager is entered into the school life to enjoy humiliating other high school students and teachers. You as a third person player; Gary, has to save his friend from beating, throw rocks and papers, don’t seek too much attention to yourself and stop anyone from complaining to the principal about your secret hunts of the crazy adventure in this gangster high school game. You have been caught into the detention as punishment for your disciplinary actions, sneak and escape from the office while the teacher is sleeping, destroying the cameras of the campus to erase any footage of your crime recordings. Be the vicious criminal in high school and get ready for some great fun of your life in high school. Features: • Includes the complete high school gangster story with extra missions, characters, hall monitors, teachers and classroom with fellow students in Game. • Gorgeous graphics: high-resolution textures, dynamic lighting, shadows and particle effects • Challenge your friends to see who gets to beat the high school students more while competing with mission accomplishment. • Intelligent touch controls with contextual buttons only when you need them. • Rescue the grand combat against city high school frontline security guards & student gang wings. • Create chaos in cafeteria, fight with security guards and students. • Awesome classroom fever starts in high school fever by sneaking from teacher. 这场比赛围绕着高中辍学黑帮男孩加里的故事,其唯一的目的是与其他顽皮的学生和他的班主任一起玩,加里证明自己是非常邪恶,操纵其他学生和老师,并且非常聪明,是一个坏男孩,他经常提醒其他孩子他的傲慢和虚荣。这个游戏不是关于射击或战斗,而是一个充满冒险的有趣游戏,你将在你的高中成为一个有趣的黑帮,你将打破纪律的所有规则!你的任务是在高中黑帮游戏中表现得像个坏男孩,通过艰难的任务生存和逃脱。在自助餐厅和大学走廊里打击和打击苗条的学生和高中保安。潜入主要办公室窃取重要的机密记录,并在拘留时间中度过难关,从令人毛骨悚然的教师和当局偷偷溜走。 高中歹徒是第三人称坏男孩游戏,一个陷入困境的精神病患者少年进入学校生活,享受羞辱其他高中学生和老师。你作为第三人称球员;加里,必须拯救他的朋友不要殴打,扔石头和文件,不要过分关注自己,并阻止任何人向校长抱怨你在这个黑帮高中游戏中疯狂冒险的秘密狩猎。你被拘留作为惩罚你的纪律处分,在老师睡觉时潜行并逃离办公室,摧毁校园的摄像机以清除你的犯罪记录的任何镜头。成为高中时的恶毒罪犯,为高中生活带来一些乐趣。 特征: •包括完整的高中黑帮故事,其中有额外的任务,角色,大厅监视器,教师和教室与同学们在游戏中。 •华丽的图形:高分辨率纹理,动态光照,阴影和粒子效果 •挑战你的朋友,看看谁在与任务成就竞争时更多地击败高中生。 •智能触控仅在您需要时使用上下文按钮。 •拯救对城市高中前线保安和学生帮派的大战。 •在自助餐厅制造混乱,与保安和学生一起战斗。 •从老师那里偷偷摸摸,让高中课堂发烧真是太棒了。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.26 更新时间:2023-01-28 大小:96.2M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Piranha Studios
英文 5.0及更高


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