Star Miners (Hero - Tower Defence Sci-fi Game)

版本:3.2.7 大小:74.9M 关注:23 更新:2022-01-06 单人 无需网络 塔防


Star Miners is a mobile hero-tower defense game about space miners.Earth was destroyed, but a little colony of Star Miners is fighting to survive on the fragment of the Moon. Same time, survivors got attacked by hordes of aggressive aliens.You have to clean the way with explosives wearing the spacesuit of Star Miner, collecting useful stuff, and defending from alien invaders. Use your arsenal of turrets and weapon.Get the place under the Sun for your colony and build on a real space city on the fragments of the Earth. Find out what actually happened to Earth, and why humanity had to literally reborn itself between thousands of asteroids.Star Miners是一款有关太空矿工的移动英雄塔防游戏。地球被摧毁了,但一个星矿工的小殖民地正在为在月球碎片上生存而战。同时,幸存者被成群的侵略性外星人袭击。您必须使用穿着Star Miner宇航服的炸药清理道路,收集有用的东西,并防御外来入侵者。使用您的炮塔和武器库。在您的殖民地的阳光下获得一席之地,并在地球碎片上建立一个真实的太空城市。找出地球上到底发生了什么,以及为什么人类不得不在数千个小行星之间重生。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.2.7 更新时间:2020-11-14 大小:74.9M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Malkkiri
单人 无需网络 塔防 英文 5.0及更高


Star Miners 累计201人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Star Miners (Hero - Tower Defence Sci-fi Game),目前已经有23用户在酷酷跑关注了Star Miners 。

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