Bridal Wedding Dress Shop Spa

版本:1.1 大小:52.8M 关注:1307 更新:2019-03-06


Your bridal boutique is the perfect place for the bride and her bridesmaids before the wedding. They can find the perfect dress and prepare for the big day in comfort and style.Your boutique is where the bride and her BFF is going to find that perfect bridal gown that makes an already special occasion even more special. You have a huge selection of gowns for brides to try on, and offer a fun bridal spa to help them find that perfect look. Both the bride and the bridesmaid are going to have a blast visiting your shop.How to Play:• The countdown is on for the wedding of the year, and the bridal party is starting to panic over finding the right look for the bride• Your bridal boutique comes to the rescue.• You help the bride find her perfect look• Playing dress up with bridal gowns needs a little extra, so you offer them a chance to see the whole look• They can get a spa treatment and bridal makeup makeover to help with picking the right gown• They will be pleased with the efforts, and you’ll have another satisfied bridal partyYour boutique is unique in that you let brides see how they can look on their wedding day through a bridal makeover while trying on the gowns. Download today to open the doors. 你的婚纱精品店是新娘在婚礼前她的伴娘的理想场所。他们可以找到最完美的礼服和的大日子在舒适性和风格做准备。您的精品是新娘在那里,她的BFF是要找到完美的婚纱礼服,使本已特别的日子更加特别。你有袍巨大的选择新娘试穿,并提供一个有趣的新娘温泉,以帮助他们找到完美的外观。无论是新娘和伴娘将有一个爆炸访问你的店。怎么玩:•倒数是上一年的婚礼,新娘方开始过度恐慌寻找新娘正确的期待•您婚纱精品店就派上用场了。•您帮助新娘找到她完美的外观•播放打扮的新娘礼服需要一点额外的,所以你给他们一个机会,看看整个妆容•他们可以得到一个水疗及新娘妆改造,以帮助选择合适的礼服•他们会很高兴与努力,你就会有另外一个满意的新娘党您的精品是独一无二的,你让新娘们看他们如何可以看一下他们的婚礼当天通过的新娘化妆,而在礼服尝试。今天下载到打开大门。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1 更新时间:2017-03-12 大小:52.8M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Ice Beauty


Bridal Wedding Dress Shop Spa累计248人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Bridal Wedding Dress Shop Spa,目前已经有1307用户在酷酷跑关注了Bridal Wedding Dress Shop Spa。

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