Wedding Planner - Bridal Salon

版本:1.3 大小:51.9M 关注:932 更新:2018-06-20


As a celebrity bride, your wedding day will be watched by your fans as a fashion template for upcoming weddings. Don’t disappoint them by not going all out! This spa is where you want to be! As a star, you know that your fans are always watching and copying your fashion sense, and you love it! Being a role model is a lot of fun. Have the most fashionable wedding of the year by starting at this adorable wedding spa. Your fashionable wedding needs you to look rested and refreshed as you say your vows. Spa treatments, makeup, and dress up will get you ready in time to enjoy all the wedding day festivities.How to Play:• Wedding bells are going to be ringing for you• As the bride, you want to be the star of your own wedding• A wedding spa trip is just what is needed• Get spa treatments that make your skin sparkle and shine• A wedding day makeup makeover makes you feel like a new woman• Dress up in some high fashion bridal gowns with wow factor• Walk down the aisle to your lucky groomGoing to the spa on your celebrity wedding day is just what you need to get ready. You need to look like the fashion star you are as you have the wedding day you’ve been dreaming about forever. Download now to have the best wedding ever! 作为名人的新娘,你的婚礼当天会被你的球迷为即将到来的婚礼时尚模板观看。不要被不全力以赴让他们失望!此水疗是你想!作为一个明星,你知道你的球迷们总是在看着,并复制你的时尚感,而你喜欢它!作为一个榜样是一个很大的乐趣。有一年通过启动这个可爱的婚礼温泉最时尚的婚礼。你的时尚婚礼需要你,你说你的誓言看起来休息,刷新。水疗,化妆,打扮将让你及时准备好享受婚礼当天的庆祝活动。怎么玩:•结婚的钟声响起将要敲响你•作为新娘,你想成为自己的婚礼的明星•婚礼温泉旅行是需要的正是•获取水疗护理,让您的肌肤闪耀和光泽•一个婚礼当天化妆化妆让你感觉像一个新的女人•在一些高级时装婚纱扮靓哇因素•过道步行到你的幸运新郎要在你的名人婚礼当天的温泉只是你需要准备什么。你需要看起来像时尚明星你是因为你有结婚的日子你一直梦想着永远的约。立即下载有最好的婚礼永远!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.3 更新时间:2022-03-08 大小:51.9M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Simply Fun Media


Wedding Planner - Bridal Salon累计232人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Wedding Planner - Bridal Salon,目前已经有932用户在酷酷跑关注了Wedding Planner - Bridal Salon。

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竞速 模拟 533M

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