The Swords of First Light:Romance you choose

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.6M 关注:365 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


Discover your true love in this unique Romance Otome Game from Genius Inc! ■■Synopsis■■ You’ve spent your whole life helping your foster parents out at their inn. You’ve finally received word that you’ll be accepted into a special program in the Knight’s Order of First Light, known for their fighting prowess against demons. They even managed to seal Lucifer, the king of demons, away nearly 300 years ago! You work very hard to make yourself useful in the never-ending war against Lucifer’s creatures. The daily training is grueling, but you enjoy your time with your fellow Knights. But after a series of weird events and explanations that don’t quite add up, you start to realize there may be something more sinister going on in the Order. To make matters worse, you find out your heritage is not what you had thought. You have no idea what game Alecto, an evil organization, is playing as they move behind the scenes. And of course your relationships with your fellow Knights are a roller-coaster ride. Who will you choose? As you realize the issues in the Order are much deeper than you ever imagined, can you find your own path to justice? ■■Characters■■ ・Cyd “If it’s used for good, can it truly be called evil?” Aloof and unapproachable, Cyd is a lone wolf in the Order. It’s not that he doesn’t like people, he just doesn’t quite understand them. His avoidance of social situations means that little is known about him. He rose up in the Order quickly and is currently the vice-captain of the Second Division. You find yourself interested in learning more about him and he feels familiar somehow...can you figure out his secrets? ・Kaelan “The strong survive and the weak will die. This is just the way the world works.” Almost over-confident, Kaelan can be abrasive. After you’re assigned as his partner, he’ll train you ruthlessly until you can at least defend yourself. Kaelan doesn’t believe a Knight’s life should be easy. He hates demons with every fiber of his being and hates the weak almost as much. You get the feeling he has a traumatic past, but he’s reluctant to open up about it. Will you help heal Kaelan’s heart? ・Gwyn “Don’t believe in people too easily. Most will let you down.” Behind Gwyn’s chivalrous and kind smile is a truly mysterious man who gives almost nothing away. As a member of the Special Forces, he’s very capable but seems to have a mischievous streak. Gwyn tries to look out for you, even if his methods are questionable. You start to realize that maybe he doesn’t trust people for a reason. Are you going to be able to help him have a little more faith in humanity? ・Dante “If doing what’s right means I’m labeled a villain, then so be it. I’ll follow this path all the way to the end.” Dante is the charismatic leader of the nefarious Alecto. He’ll try to win you over to his cause every chance he gets – and Alecto’s goals are insane. But as your paths cross again and again, you start to realize that even if he’s misguided, Dante’s righteousness and firm belief in justice is almost admirable. You’ll learn more and more about him as time goes on. Will he win you over in Season 2? 在Genius Inc.的这款独特的浪漫乙女游戏中发现您的真爱! ■■简介■■ 您一生都在为您的寄养父母提供帮助。您终于收到一个消息,称您将被接纳为骑士的“第一道光阶”的特殊节目,该节目以与恶魔的战斗能力而著称。他们甚至在将近300年前就封印了魔鬼之王路西法(Lucifer)!您会努力工作,以使自己在与路西法的生物永无休止的战争中有用。 每天的训练都很艰苦,但是您和骑士同乐。但是,在发生一系列奇怪的事件和解释并没有完全合并之后,您开始意识到在Order中可能还会有更险恶的事情发生。更糟糕的是,您发现自己的遗产不是您所想的。您不知道当邪恶的组织Alecto在幕后移动时正在玩什么游戏。当然,您与其他骑士的关系是过山车。您会选择谁?当您意识到《命令》中的问题比您想象的要深得多时,您能否找到自己的正义之路? ■■字符■■ ・ Cyd “如果将其用于善良,真的可以称为邪恶吗?” Cyd独具一格,难以接近,是Order中的一头孤独的狼。不是他不喜欢别人,他只是不太了解他们。他回避社交场合意味着对他的了解很少。他很快就升入了Order,目前是第二师的副队长。您发现自己有兴趣进一步了解他,而他以某种方式感到熟悉...您能找出他的秘密吗? ・凯兰 “强者生存,而弱者将死。这就是世界运转的方式。” 凯兰几乎过于自信了。在您被指定为他的合伙人之后,他会狠狠地训练您,直到您至少可以捍卫自己。凯兰认为骑士的生活不会那么轻松。他憎恨魔鬼,几乎憎恨弱者。您会感觉到他有过创伤的过去,但是他不愿公开。您会帮助治愈凯兰的心脏吗? ・格温 “不要轻易相信别人。大多数会让你失望的。” 格温(Gwyn)侠义而善良的笑容背后,是一个真正神秘的人,几乎什么也没给。作为特种部队的一员,他的能力很强,但看起来有些顽皮。格温试图照顾您,即使他的方法有问题。您开始意识到,也许他出于某种原因不信任别人。您是否能够帮助他对人性多一点信仰? ・但丁 “如果做对了就意味着我被标为反派,那就这样吧。我会一直沿这条路走到尽头。” 但丁(Dante)是邪恶的Alecto的有魅力的领导者。他会尽一切可能将您争取到自己的事业–而且Alecto的目标是疯狂的。但是,随着您一遍又一遍地穿越,您开始意识到,即使他被误导了,但丁的公义和坚定的正义信念也几乎令人钦佩。随着时间的流逝,您将越来越了解他。他会在第二季为您赢得胜利吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-18 大小:67.6M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.1及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第13名


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