Turbo - Car quiz

版本:9.0.7 大小:200.4M 关注:34 更新:2022-01-06 知识问答 单人 无需网络 写实风


Do you feel you know your cars? Do you know all the makes and models?Turbo is a car quiz where you guess the fastest and most powerful car.From 60s muscle cars to the supercars of today, we have motors for every occasion.Which do you think is more powerful, BMW M5 or Mercedes E63 AMG?And which is faster on the Nürburgring, Subaru WRX STI or Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution?You can find this all out in our quiz.Game Rules:Answer questions correctlyQuiz features:– The difficulty increases with every question, as the answers become harder to guess– The game covers more than 500 models of cars– New levels and cars are added with each update? GUESS THE CAR BY THE PHOTOYou will be shown a photo of a car that you have to guess. There is also a version where you only have to guess the model or brand of a car.? WHICH CAR IS MORE POWERFULYou will be shown two cars; you have to guess which one is more powerful.? THE ACCELERATION UP TO 100You will be shown two cars; you have to guess which car is accelerating faster.? THE CAR'S YEAR OF MANUFACTUREYou have to guess the car's year of manufacture from the photo.? PLAY AGAINST AN OPPONENTThe game consists of six rounds. Answer faster and correctly to earn more points.Almost all car brands and models are represented in the game! Become king of the road, and guess them all!Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/turbocarquiz/你觉得你知道你的车吗?您知道所有的品牌和型号吗?Turbo是一项汽车测验,您可以在其中猜出最快,最强大的汽车。从60年代的肌肉车到当今的超级跑车,我们都可以在任何场合使用马达。您认为宝马M5或梅赛德斯E63 AMG哪个更强大?在纽伯格林,斯巴鲁WRX STI或三菱蓝瑟Evolution上哪个更快?您可以在我们的测验中找到所有这些内容。游戏规则:正确回答问题测验功能:–每个问题的难度都会增加,因为答案变得越来越难以猜测–游戏涵盖了500多种汽车–每次更新都会添加新的关卡和汽车?通过照片猜车您将看到一张必须猜测的汽车照片。还有一个版本,您只需要猜测汽车的型号或品牌。CAR哪个汽车更强大您将看到两辆车;您必须猜测哪个更强大。?加速高达100您将看到两辆车;您必须猜测哪辆车的加速更快。?汽车制造年您必须从照片中猜测汽车的制造年份。AG对抗对手这场比赛包括六个回合。正确正确地回答,以赚取更多积分。游戏中几乎代表了所有汽车品牌和车型!成为道路之王,猜一猜!脸书页面-https://www.facebook.com/turbocarquiz/
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:9.0.7 更新时间:2024-03-09 大小:200.4M
运营状态:运营 开发商:BOLD CAT
知识问答 单人 无需网络 写实风 英文 5.1及更高


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