idle Zity Rush

别名:Zity Rush
版本:1.16 大小:94.8M 关注:29 更新:2022-01-06


The Genius Science Cat led a group of critters to built an animal city in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, the peaceful life was ephemeral. The Zombie Legion discovered the hidden animal city and decided to wipe them out. Critters started to fight back under the leadership of Genius Science Cat. There were four species of animals-chickens, puppies, penguins, and rabbits - fighting on the front lines. Genius Science Cat customized 4 types of Mechs for them respectively, developed all sorts of advanced devices and boost animals' combat effectiveness with the latest bio-genetic technology. This is an idle tower defense game which also includes these elements: home defense, picnic defense, ground defense. You need to merge and update animals in a rush to defeat zombies, which is a challenge
天才科学猫带领一群小动物在茫茫荒野中建造了一座动物城。同时,和平的生活是短暂的。僵尸军团发现了这座隐藏的动物城,并决定消灭它们。小动物队在Genius Science Cat的领导下开始反击。一线战斗的动物有四种:鸡,小狗,企鹅和兔子。 Genius Science Cat分别为它们定制了4种类型的机甲,开发了各种先进的设备并利用最新的生物遗传技术提高了动物的战斗力。这是一个闲置的塔防游戏,其中还包含以下元素:家防,野餐防御,地面防御。您需要急于合并和更新动物以击败僵尸,这是一个挑战
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.16 更新时间:2020-11-12 大小:94.8M
运营状态:公测 开发商:Bullblade Games 氪金程度:无需付费 肝度:轻度
英文 5.0及更高


idle Zity Rush累计151人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载idle Zity Rush,目前已经有29用户在酷酷跑关注了idle Zity Rush。

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